Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More coping through sleeping

Yesterday I wrapped my arm after breakfast and dragged my sorry ass around doing errands -- groceries, library, gas station, meeting. By the time I got home I was wiped AND frustrated, so again went to bed at 5 PM. I really feel for Rik through all this. My coping strategy can't be good in the long run for our marriage but in the meantime sleep and anti-anxiety drugs seem to be the only things holding me together. Vitamin CH isn't even helping.

Now it's so early that dawn hasn't even cracked. I have to get myself ready to head off to see the physical therapist (YAY! about time!), but that entails washing me, feeding me, feeding and walking two dogs -- in the dark and pouring rain.

The PT wants to see my bandaging supplies. If she makes me actually bandage I may scream.

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