Friday, October 23, 2009

Lymphedema update

It's now officially seven weeks since I began dealing with this lymphedema flare up. The physical therapist measured my arm today and there is no real change. I have had nine rounds of PT so as you can imagine, I am distressed. She gave me some new bandaging material to try over the weekend. I have one more approved visit next week and then, if things remain the same, the PT will recommend that I not continue therapy at this time but get fitted for a new sleeve and glove. If, on the other hand, things change over the weekend and there is measurable improvement in my hand and arm, the PT will request authorization for additional visits and continue to treat me.

Dealing with lymphedema is endlessly frustrating. Evidently, although many people respond quickly to the manual lymphatic drainage, massage and bandaging (the gold standard of treatment for lymphedema), there are a stubborn few who have fall into the cracks and don't get immediate relief. That's my lymphedema -- Trouble with a capital T.

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