Tuesday, September 1, 2009

first day

My insides are churning today. I am unable to concentrate on any one task. And I didn't sleep well last night.

You see, today was the first day of school.

D. started Grade 1 at a new school. S. went into Grade 6 at the same one.

I remember Grade 6. It was when it started to be all about my peers. I remember the drama, the intrigues, the intense friendships that formed and broke up. And I remember the hormones.

And as for D., I can't believe that my baby is old enough to be in Grade One. He has been counting down the days for weeks, complaining that the summer was too long and that he just wanted to start school already. His expectations are very, very high (although last night when he couldn't fall asleep, he asked my spouse, "What if I get bad grades?") and I worry that he will be greatly disappointed.

Yes, emotions ran very high in our house this morning.

And the kids were pretty worked up, too.

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