Thursday, September 17, 2009

Looking for young, uninsured person facing medical crisis in So Cal

I just received an email from a producer at KCET, our LA PBS station. She is working with Lisa Ling on a show about the young (19-29) and uninsured in Southern California. If you know of someone who fits the description below, please have them contact Christal. And, of course, they need it "yesterday."

"PBS is looking for a young person (ages 19 to 29) in Southern Caliornia who is uninsured or underinsured and is now facing a sudden illness, chronic disease or a costly accident. If you know of someone, please hav them contact Christal at CSMITH@KCET.ORG OR 323-953-5272. ALL COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE."

Thanks for your help.

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