Wednesday, September 16, 2009

At School Last Night....

At last night`s class we were to hand in a questionnaire the instructor had given out the previous week. The questionnaire included things like ... if we were part-time students or full-time students, if we worked in our field and so on. The last question was ...’is there anything I should know about that may be a challenge to your learning?’ I pondered this question a long time. I so did not want to play the cancer card. I wanted to complete school without getting any possible preferential treatment.

As I was considering my decision, I thought ... if this was a class where I could hide in a corner, I probably wouldn’t consider sharing the fact that I was under active treatment but this class is very interactive. I will be required to do presentations in front of the group and that scares me a bit. I wasn`t sure I could do it all without appearing a bit odd.

My decision was to tell her, the instructor, that I am receiving chemotherapy for cancer. I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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