Thursday, September 17, 2009

All is Not Vanity

I recently heard an interview with Michael J. Fox. "Vanity is the first to go," he explained as he struggled to control his body.

With cancer, I discovered that (at least for me), vanity was the last to go.

I was reminded of this when I found this photo in my archives the other day.

I'm working out with my theraband during round three of Hyper CVAD at the City of Hope. Note the "chemo clothes" (not a hospital gown), silk scarf and lipstick under the mask.

I feel the most beautiful when I'm strong and energetic, but when chemo or cancer or illness robs us of these qualities, we have to work to find other ways to feel vibrant.

Cancer and treatment now seem like a light year ago, illness from EOS a century ago.

After my springtime bout with EOS run amok and pneumonia, I'm once again working on regaining strength and stamina. I started talking about it nearly a year ago, but now I can say "I'm a runner." You might recognize me. I'm the one in the cute clothes and lipstick.

NOTE: A few weeks ago, I received an email from someone about beauty and the suggestion that I interview a breast cancer survivor. I'm sorry that I accidentally erased the email, but, if you are reading this, could you please resend the information?

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