And I got a good review from Bookslut, which called my book "far more selfless than most illness memoirs. Its eyes rove outward more than almost anything else I’ve read in the genre.... It is a sort of black planet she flies over like a pilot, unable to reach down but guided by small, scattered tribal fires of compassion.... The book is funny, damned funny. Much more Rabelais and Woody Allen than Homer." (See the rest of Richard Wirick's review at: http://www.bookslut.com/nonfiction/2009_02_014148.php
Again, the link function isn't working so well on this here blogger thing.
And my candidate and friend, Tom Geoghegan, referred to once or twice in this blog as T, one of the intellectuals who not only subscribes to but also reads The New York Review of Books, did not win the Democratic primary yesterday, for Rahm Emanuel's vacated seat.

Despite my cavassing of strangers and haranguing of friends. I guess Washington's not ready for another smart, skinny, book-writing Harvard lawyer from Chicago. And I guess it's back to the margins for me: Obama was the first candidate I ever worked for who actually WON. I thought maybe that meant that the mainstream had moved over to my way of thinking. Guess not.
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