Saturday, March 28, 2009

Free at last (once again)

Free from the hospital once again, they kept me over night after my bronch because of the elephant drugs they use to knock you out during the bronch. I had to check myself out seems when the orders were written for me to be admitted on Friday they forgot to include my transplant meds. Luckily I had enough meds in my truck for Friday but not for Saturday so after missing two doses this morn. I decided it was time to go.

The bronch hurt my joints or the medical staff from the 3 floor must have come in the room during my bronch and pounded on me. My joints haven't hurt this bad in well over a decade trying to get up and function on Sunday after a Saturday football game. I had to ask for some pain meds and several heating pads. Next bronch I think I will wear rib pads and hip pads.

Good news I didn't miss soccer game number 2 soccer game was canceled due to the cold weather in TX.

Looks like I will be burning up the highways between Dallas and Fort Worth next week.

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