Thursday, March 19, 2009

About the California-Canada relationship

San Diego's strong ties to Canada, by Sean Barr and Catriona Jamieson,, Union-Tribune Publishing Co., March 19, 2009.

About: "San Diego's strong trade and biotech ties to Canada". Excerpts:
The California-Canada relationship makes sense on many levels. California and Canada have similar-sized populations and economies, and both economies are based on high-tech and innovation. Canada and California share $39 billion in bilateral trade, which supports more than 800,000 California jobs. California is Canada's second-largest market, and the total exports of goods from California to Canada are larger than those from Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy combined. ...
The Canadian Consulate has helped foster these growing relationships. Hundreds of Canadian senior executives, research pioneers and government officials have come to San Diego to work with local business and research communities. The Canadian Consulate has organized a number of initiatives designed to facilitate bi-directional science and technology exchanges between San Diego and Canada. One of the newest and most comprehensive programs is the Canada-California Strategic Innovation Partnership, a program established to oversee and foster collaborations in areas ranging from health care to cancer stem cells to computer networks to environmental change. Last June at the BIO2008 International Convention in San Diego, Canada dedicated $110 million toward a Canada-California Strategic Partnership in Cancer Stem Cells. This collaboration brings together Canada's leading stem cell researchers with those from California, including Moores UCSD Cancer Center and the Burnham Institute.

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