Friday, March 6, 2009

They let me sleep (Not really)

It is amazing what 4hours and 26 minutes of sleep will do for you I feel like I have just finished hibernating. The needles have persuaded me to get on up out of the bed, and I also need to reload my IPod so that I can have something to listen to in the ICU (instead of the machines). Finishing up a Sudoku, sending e-mail, and of course paying bills and finalizing some additional tax information (brought some tax law info to read up on..... lots of medical deductions).
Shower time, looks like the operation will access my lungs through my right side and spread the ribs (that hurts your back BTW) and I still anticipate 3 chest tubes. Are scars still fashionable???

Got gummy bears for the girls, and some coloring pictures and homework (math / sitewords) for Raegan to work on when they visit. I guess we will have to do a better job explaining my illness as Raegan is asking more and more questions about why daddy always goes to the hospital.

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