Sunday, March 1, 2009

An experiment with Twitter

An experiment by the Editor: I joined Twitter in late December, 2008 (see: Twitter / jimtill). Until now, I've seldom provided updates. However, as an experiment, I plan to post more frequently. The posts will be brief updates about topics of personal interest, including ones relevant to the two blogs that I currently edit (this one, and Be Openly Accessible or Be Obscure, a blog on topics related to the Open Access movement). The individual updates will involve no more than 140 characters (because that's the maximum allowed by Twitter), but related updates can be posted sequentially. My initial goal: to increase the number of "followers" of my Twitter page (and especially, to add "followers" who find the updates to be a useful adjunct to one or the other of the two blogs that I edit). The RSS feed url of updates to my Twitter page is:

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