Tuesday, January 13, 2009

words to live by in 2009

We spent New Year's Eve with a family we have known for a long time. It was low- key and great fun. We set up a projector and a screen and watched Mamma Mia (I LOVED it!) and The Blues Brothers (which I am embarrassed to say I had never seen). We turned it all off at just before midnight to do the countdown, wish each other 'Happy New Year' and break out the champagne. It was just exactly what I wanted to be doing.

Someone asked about New Year's Resolutions. I wasn't really paying attention until my friends' son, R., looked me right in the eyes and said, "What about you, Laurie?"

Without thinking, I answered,
"Treat my body as well as I've been treating my mind."

It was a revelation.

As some of you may have noticed, my updates on my Resolutions for 2008 kind of fell by the wayside after a few months. I still think that making SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) goals makes a lot of sense (whether you set them at New Year's or not). And in some areas I did extremely well (I have already written about how proud I am of the writing I did this year) and in others...not so much (I didn't as much as re-organize one closet under the "getting organized" category).

I was the most uneven when it came to taking care of my health, especially as I became absorbed in other pursuits.

For a while, I was running but then I injured myself. I kept walking but at a pretty leisurely pace and spent a fair bit of time standing around in the dog park. By the end of the year, I had abandoned yoga, stretching of any kind and even token attempts at strengthening my abs.

I started cooking more regularly (I am very proud of this) but stopped ensuring that I ate enough vegetables.

I indulged way too much in the things that aren't good for me (hello sugar, fat and wine) and stopped doing the little things to enhance my diet (no more flax seed, berries or green tea).

It is time to start taking care of this precious body again. And while I am fortunate to have remained in remission for more than a year, it's time to do what I can to bolster my health.

The mind and the body can't really be separated. If I treat myself well physically, then my mind and soul will thrive.

My SMART goals for January when it comes to my health:

1-Walk VIGOROUSLY for an average of one hour, five times per week. I've been working hard at this and was surprised to realize how much fitness I've lost. And walking in the snow at a good clip? Every bit as good a workout as running.

2-Eat seven servings of fruit and veggies a day. This is so hard. But I'm working on it.

3-Cook dinner at least once a week. Missed last week but made an elaborate, time-consuming vegetarian meal last night that was basically a flop. It still counts, though.

I'll keep you posted as to how it goes.

What are you doing to improve your health in 2009?

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