Thursday, January 22, 2009


I broke down and went to the ER on yesterday; a SPA visit that resulted from all the vomiting that I did on Tuesday (Tuesday was also CT w/ contrast day at UT Southwestern). I was also complaining to the ER docs about the headache that had been bothering me for two days, and the ill regular heartbeats I was experiencing.

A funny note when I was signing into the ER a lady brought her son in who was coughing alot and the nurse I asked her to have him (the son 11 or 12 years old) to put on a mask, she resisted he kept coughing and ignoring the signs that asked sick patients to put on mask; everyone around the lady and boy got up and moved still he did not put on a mask; so being the good Samaritan I am I removed my mask for about 5 seconds which was just long enough for me to politely say PUT ON A DAM MASK!!!! PLEASE!!!! I said please

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