Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My name is Susan and I'm a Yahoo! Group junkie

Good news: I went in for my monthly visit at the City of Hope on Monday and my Eosinophils (EOS) are still behaving. I mentioned to Dr. Forman that I'm a member of a Yahoo! Group for individuals with EOS issues. The group concensus is that it could take as long as six months after tapering off high-dose steroids for the EOS levels to go haywire again.

He agreed and took out his pen and signed me up for monthly visits for the next six months. Most patients who are one-year post transplant get to space their visits three or six months apart, but this EOS business is keeping me on a short lease.

Dr. Forman was curious about how I found an EOS group and I told him there was a little thing called the World Wide Web that made it easy for patients to find their peers. The rarer the disease, the more desperate patients are to make connections. Most of the members of the EOS group have been diagnosed with HES (Hyper Eosinophilic Syndrome). Almost everyone has a horror story of becoming deathly ill (much as I was last summer) before doctors reached a diagnosis. I was actually pretty lucky to be under the care of a hematologist at the time.

As I've mentioned before, my preoccupation with the EOS has taken my mind off the possibility of a cancer relapse. Even Dr. Forman said, "I almost forgot the reason you first came here," as he checked my neck for swollen lymph nodes. And my email messages from my Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) group go mostly unread these days.

It's also taken my mind off my cutis laxa (lax skin) disorder that, I'm ashamed to admit, was a bigger blow to me than finding out I had cancer. Mantle Cell Lymphoma is treatable; cutis laxa is not. I had fears of looking like a shriveled prune before my 55th birthday, alive but repulsive. In the last month, two other patients, a man and woman, have emailed me after finding my blog post on cutis laxa. Both were extremely relieved to find someone else with the same rare condition and are eager to share stories, feelings and recommendations for plastic surgeons.

I plan to talk by phone tomorrow with the woman with sagging skin. I may even suggest that we start a Yahoo! Group.

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