Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year!

2008 and was a pretty good year for my little family.

I remained in remission for a full year. I now have six clean scans under my belt.

I travelled to Florida with D. and to London with S. I spoke at BlogHer this year in San Francisco and attended a terrific breast cancer conference in Philly (where Jacqueline and John came to hang out with me).

I finished my book. It's now into production!

I started writing fiction and (gasp!) am working on a novel.

Lucy came to live with us.

T. took on a new client and is really enjoying the work and the people with whom he is working.

S. is happier than he has ever been. This year his teacher and the kids from his class entered a Lego Robotics competition. They worked very hard and won an award for their teamwork.

Five year old D. is reading now, with great fluency and expression. He also loves sports and has an active social life.

My sister got married to a wonderful man. They've bought a house that is walking distance from my home.

Barack Obama was elected President of our neighbour to the South.

We have food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, clean water to drink, good schools in our neigbourhood and more material things than we need. We are very lucky people.

I wish you all a very healthy and happy 2009.

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