Thursday, January 15, 2009

Comparing SC from the adult human brain and from brain tumors

A comparison between stem cells from the adult human brain and from brain tumors by Mercy Varghese and 8 co-authors, including Iver A Langmoen, Neurosurgery 2008(Dec); 63(6): 1022-34 [PubMed Citation].

Evaluation: Tali Siegal: Faculty of 1000 Medicine, 6 Jan 2009. Excerpt:
This study provides further evidence in support of the theory of human brain tumors deriving from apparent stem cell populations, rather than from transformation and differentiation of glial cells. The implication is that glioma stem cells should become the targets of future therapies, and, to that end, understanding the differences between normal and abnormally derived cells is important.

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