Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the internets have spoken

Last night, when I went to bed, I was pretty convinced by you all that I should go to the conference. Then, when I woke up this morning I found that a bunch of you had made equally compelling arguments for staying home. Now, I'm thinking on it.

Some of your comments, though, prompted me to write the following Tweet last night:
"I need to clarify that T. makes the Hallowe'en costumes. And does 95% of the cooking. I'm pretty much just a trophy wife."
While the truth is that I do pull my weight around the house (most of the time), the idea that I am hesitating about going away because my spouse couldn't cope without me is laughable in the extreme.

The costumes will get made without me (as they would even if I were here). The kids probably wouldn't even notice my absence. I just like to watch it all unfold.

And take photos that I can embarrass them with, later in life.

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