Thursday, September 18, 2008

Uneventful weeks, are good

It was another uneventful week, I still have not gotten the results back from my lab work on Saturday, so the UT Swtrn folk can expect a call or two on Monday (so can the lab). Will be spending time with the pulmonary sleep docs on Friday who I am sure will try a little pshycology 101 to get me to use the fighter sleep mask (psychology 101 won't work on me I took the class TWICE, ) It is hard to use the mask since I have been so congested for several week

Soccer tomorrow I am looking forward to Practice (Practice I am talking 'bout practice), I will also go without sunblock to see if I can reproduce the white bumps that I have noticed on several occasions appearing on my arms; I wonder if my sunblock is to heavy 60 SPF,

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