Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There's a Hole in my Chest, dear Liza, dear Liza

The biopsy went okay yesterday. The radiologist used three different sized needles to try to get a tiny speck of flesh from me (14, 16, and 18 gauge). And scissors--she used scissors to cut open a hole so the needle would go in easier. Luckily, I didn't feel a thing after the local was administered (the local, by the way, stung like a mother, but oh well). She kept asking Henry if he was okay or if he was going to pass out, and I couldn't understand why, but then I realized that he could probably see the hole in my chest and I couldn't. Not that it was a big hole, but I guess the idea of using scissors on my body could freak some people out. But not Henry--he's brave.

I should get the results in a few days, but I'm still confident that it's just fat necrosis.

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