Friday, December 21, 2007

The Trend Continues

Day 32, Monday, December 17
WBC 2.8 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.73 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 9.3 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 26 (150-350)

Day 35, Thursday, December 20
WBC 2.9 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.62 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 8.9 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 24 (150-350)

We're continuing on the same trend: the white blood cells are inching up while the red, hemoglobin and platelets are continuing to creep back. I didn't need a transfusion on Thursday as I'd predicted, but I'll no doubt need a platelet (and possibly a red blood) transfusion when I return next Thursday. As usual, I don't feel any correlation between low hemoglobin and fatigue levels.

And I continue to feel stronger, both mentally and physically, every day.

Otherwise, my life for the moment seems blissfully boring, and I'm not complaining one bit!

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