Thursday, December 6, 2007

Diagnosing Mesothelioma is Difficult

Mesothelioma is a very hard disease to diagnose, because symptoms are like those of a number of other diseases. A doctor's diagnosis of a patient suspected of having mesothelioma begins with a review of their medical history. Exposure to asbestos in years past (event more than 30 years prior) will increase a doctor's suspicion for mesothelioma. A physical examination, chest X-rays and lung function tests will follow itial suspicions. X-ray's may show pleural thickening that are often seen after asbestos exposure which may further give believe that a patient has mesothelioma. CT (CAT) scans or MRIs are also usually conducted. If these analysis show large amounts of fluid, abnormal cells may be detected if this fluid is aspirated or removed with a syringe. If this is pleural fluid, a pleural tap (a chest drain) may be conducted.

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