Sunday, December 2, 2007

Natural High, Natural Low

Day 14, Thursday, November 29
(Numbers in parentheses are normal ranges)
WBC 10.4 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.88 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 9.7 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 11 (150-350) (65 after morning transfusion)

Day 16, Saturday, December 1
WBC 2.2 (4.0-11)
RBC 3.4 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 11.4 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 54 (150-350)

I got some great news on Saturday. I went in for a blood draw and found out that I didn't need a transfusion of either red blood or platelets.

My white blood cell (WBC) count is dropping, but that's to be expected. They were on an artificial high, not a natural high, from the Neupogen injections.

I'm particularly thrilled at the red blood cell (RBC) and hemoglobin (HGB) counts. They are at their highest since I began the chemo process in late March. Since I haven't had a transfusion since Day 7, November 22, we know this is a natural high. My reinfused stem cells are doing an excellent job of pumping out new RBCs.

And the platelets took only a slight dip, not a nose dive, since my transfusion on the morning of November 29. This is a very encouraging trend. (Hmmm . . . Substitute "Dow Jones" for "platelets," and I sound like a business writer.)

In spite of high hemoglobin and high spirits, my energy levels are at a natural low, but this is perfectly normal. I'm inspired by our felines, Tiger and Heather, who use a series of cat naps (or is it one long nap) to recharge their purring machines.

I've been trying to go on one small, non-hospital-related outing each day, but it may be too much just now. On Friday night, Mary picked me up to take me to a reading by the students in Terrie Silverman's Creative Rites workshop. The readings were engaging, entertaining and inspiring, but my eyelids started to become heavy after 45 minutes.

On Saturday morning, I couldn't resist the urge to go to a 50%-off private sale for Wasabi Jewelry. Throw in an extra 20% off for earrings and bracelets, and there was no way I could stay away, especially since I was getting tired of wearing the same two pairs of earrings. I felt up to the 14 minute drive to a private home in Pasadena, 20 minutes of browsing and paying, and a 14 minute drive home. (Mapquest has become particularly valuable in helping me figure out, "Am I up to this?")

I was filled with the thee Vs (vim, vigor and vitality) until I was ready to pay. By that point, I was pooped and needed to plop down in a chair in order to pull out cash for my two new pairs of earrings. After I returned home, it was time for George and me to head for the City of Hope for my blood draw. By the time we arrived home again two hours later, I was exhausted and joined the cats for a mid-day nap.

I guess it all goes back to the title of a former Paula post: Nap time WILL be enforced. The good news is that we don't need to call in the nap police to get me to snooze these days.

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