Thursday, December 27, 2007

Going UP!

Day 35, Thursday, December 20
WBC 2.9 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.62 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 8.9 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 24 (150-350)

Day 42, Thursday, December 27
WBC 4.3 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.54 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 8.6 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 47 (150-350)

I'm normal! Well, at least my white blood counts are in the normal range. I'm even healthy enough to board a plane and am planning a trip to SF next week.

My red blood and hemoglobin counts took another baby step back, but I'm still able to do a lot with a little.

The best news is that the platelets rose from 24 to 47 without the help of a transfusion. I can't tell you how happy I am to be in the platelet production business.

Since it looks as though I'm out of the transfusion woods, I'm scheduled to have the surgeon remove my Hickman catheter in two weeks. I'll be wireless for the first time in nine months.

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