Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Stem Cell Report

I discovered this morning that the little bedside TVs can also display DVDs or video tapes from the hospital's collection of more than 250 movies. I amused myself by watching "Cold Comfort Farm," one of the movies Paula recommended. I had just finished reading the book by Stella Gibbons, courtesy of Mrs. Duck. Both the book and the movie are hilarious. ("I saw something nasty in the woodshed.")

Between the movie, a rerun of Martha Stewart, an hour of cell phone chatting (before the battery died) and a half hour of pretending to read, the four and a half hours went pretty quickly this morning. All five of the other patients in the room spent the entire morning snoozing.

I didn't want to fall asleep until my stem cell counts from yesterday afternoon came in. Every time a nurse walked by with a piece of paper, I perked up, hoping to see my results.

The counts usually fall by 50% on the second day, but mine took a bit of a nose dive, falling from .64 to .14. Let's hope that today's harvest is more bountiful.

Another woman, at least 15 years older than I am, produced 1.78 million on her first day. I know, I know . . . it's not a competition.

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