Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"Fucking Argh"

I'm going to be thinking/saying that all day. I called my main contact at the BCCA this morning--my trial nurse--and her lovely voice on her voicemail said that she's on vacation for the rest of the month. She might have told me this, but I don't remember it at all. So now I can't bug her daily about when the hell I'm going to start treatment. Instead, I called and left a message with the receptionist, but it's more difficult to bug her. G'dammit!

On a non-cancer related note, I have an article in today's Tyee (a local online newspaper that rocks):

  • Urban Angel

  • I'm taking tips from my self-professed media whore husband, and posting it here, though it has absolutely nothing to do with cancer. But you know, makes me feel like being more productive again. So it's distantly related. Everything's related, I guess. Okay, must go change a diaper.

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