Saturday, August 4, 2007

Oh, My Aching Bones!

Two nights ago my hip bones started to ache and throb. I've never given birth, but I imagine that the sharp jolts of pain must be a little like labor. After each new round of "labor" pains, I'd let the expletives fly. Thank God, Extra Strength Tylenol takes the edge off.

The aching bones are a side effect of the Neupogen injections that I've been receiving daily for the last week. The resulting hip pain is because the bone marrow is working harder to produce more white cells and stem cells.

Even though I might yelp out, "Oh, shit!" when the Tylenol wears off, I'm delighted that the little factory in my bones is working overtime to pump out those stem cells.

"Go stem cells, go stem cells." (Chant this with shoulders bobbing and arms gyrating in an oval pattern.)

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