Friday, August 10, 2007

The Shortest Distance

One of the first lessons we learned in Mr. Hutchinson's plane geometry class was "the shortest distance between two points is a line segment."

Duh! How much more obvious can you get? I didn't need a text book or a teacher to tell me that.

When it comes to my cancer treatments, I wish the most direct path was as obvious. I've moved forward, gone back to the starting point, veered off and swung back multiple times. I'm getting there; I'm just taking the scenic route.

It seems like everything in my life is taking the circuitous path these days. Since my WiFi connection went kaput a few weeks ago, I've been working from the basement, hooked up directly to the DSL connection.

I finally got around to purchasing a new WiFi router the other day. Nothing could be simpler than swapping out a router. Or so I thought. The directions for the installation said to run the enclosed CD before installing. I dutifully popped the CD into my laptop and immediately discovered that the disc only works with Windows. I have a Mac.

No problem, I thought. I'll exchange the router for one that doesn't have that limitation. One problem - the CD refuses to eject. There are "50 ways to leave your lover, " and there must be at least 15 ways to eject a CD. Not one of them worked.

I called Dino, a computer repair shop that specializes in Macs, but their first available slot is August 15. This means that I won't be able to use WiFi until I exchange the recently-purchased router for a new one that's Mac compatible. I can't do that until I can eject the CD. And I can't do that until my date with Dino's on the 15th. Geesh! Could the route to wireless be any more convoluted than that? If I had any hair left, I'd be pulling it out round about now.

I will eventually resolve the WiFi conundrum and I'll conquer all of the treatment obstacles. Just forget about that straight line.

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