Many of my friends have told me that they start their days reading Cancer Banter. A few have even sheepishly admitted to the "entertainment value" of the blog. Believe me, I'm honored, not offended, when I hear this.
I also like to start my day by checking in on Brad V. Williams, a 46-year-old Texas teacher with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Like me, he has the nasty blastic variety. We met online when he responded to my post on the mantle cell lymphoma list serve a few months ago. (And, no, the list serve is not a dating service for cancer patients.) Since both of us started Hyper CVAD at around the same time, it's been fascinating to follow his journey and get to know his family. He and his wife Tami and daughter Kati sound like the kind of caring, fun and friendly folks you'd want to invite over to a backyard BBQ.
Just like on my site, the comments can often be as enlightening as the posts. A recent commenter included a few tips from Thomas L. McDermitt's "Daily Survival Kit for Serious Illnesses." Another commenter included a link to a site that listed all ten tips.
I clicked on the site faster than you can say "cure for cancer." I was especially intrigued when I read point nine, "Just for today, perhaps I can take heart that we are all connected." I truly believe that we are all connected and that, as the bumper sticker reminds us, "There are no coincidences."
With this in mind, I shouldn't have been surprised to click on the home page and find that the site, Support 4 Change, is the work of Arlene Harder, an Altadena therapist who lives just a half block away on Boulder Road. When I saw this, you coulda' knocked me over with a catheter.
I first surfed into Arlene's site more than a year ago when I was researching books about "letting go" of our adult children. (I'd also like to write a book on this topic.) Before the New Year, I emailed Arlene and introduced myself. We both agreed that we'd like to meet for coffee but, as another bumper sticker reminds us, s*** happens, and we never made that date.
I'd almost forgotten about her . . . until now. I think it may be time for that cup of coffee.
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