Wednesday, July 25, 2007

B-watch & Komen-watch

Our friend B spent last night on the floor next to his bed. His helper didn't show up last night and his cell phone was downstairs. The helper showed up this morning and got him dressed and into his scooter. B called me to come and plug in his new scooter. It took both of us about 20 minutes to figure out where on the scooter you plug in the plug-thing. I couldn't read the info booklet without my reading glasses, and B said it didn't tell you where the cord went. But as I said, finally we prevailed. You'd think that a manufacturer of scooters for disabled people would have a special easy way to recharge the battery of the thing.
B is advertising for a new helper. If anyone knows a reliable person who can dress and undress someone with MS, as well as do very light housekeeping, and, if possible, light clerical duties, let me know (in comments section). It would help if the person lived nearby--Lakeview or Uptown.

Our friend S went out with Nancy Brinker when she was just a Homecoming Queen runner-up from Peoria. Now she's a Dallas socialite and founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, named for her dead sister. In today's post, Capitol Fax talks about Komen and contributions. You see how important apostrophes are when you read the last sentence. Does he mean politician's or politicians' cash?
Reports Rich Miller of Capitol Fax:

"Only days after Antoin 'Tony' Rezko was indicted on federal corruption charges last fall,[Illinois] Gov. Rod Blagojevich's campaign moved quickly to try to limit the fallout and gave to charity political donations directly linked to one of the governor's former top advisers and fundraisers.But one charity eventually turned down the tainted money and sent the Blagojevich campaign a check back in March for $44,846.03, according to state-mandated campaign disclosure reports the governor recently filed.Officials for the Texas-based Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, now known as Susan G. Komen for the Cure, said they returned the money because they do not accept political funds. [*]Despite the Komen foundation's explanation, state campaign disclosure records for the past seven years show the foundation and its Illinois affiliates previously accepted $2,110 in politician's cash, ranging from an ad in a program book to fundraising tickets to outright donations."

In other Komen news: Earlier this month, the Komen gave $2 million to oncologist Insoo Bae of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University Medical Center to continue to study the the interaction between environmental carcinogens and genetic risk for breast cancer. The Lombardi Center reports that Bae is looking at the way genes and environment combine to cause cancer. Specifically: "Bae will examine a range of environmental carcinogens – such as cigarette smoke, alcohol, and dietary factors – to identify those agents that increase the probability that BRCA1 defective cells will become cancerous." Komen needs to keep going after the causes of cancer, and spend less time and money tying pink ribbons around everything that breathes and everything that doesn't. The Bae research is good news for us Ashkenazim, those mostly likely to have a BRCA1 or 2 mutation in our genes. As for me, I'm waiting to hear from the jolly genetic counselors about what my blood sample revealed. According to them, I have an 18 percent chance of having a BRCA gene defect. I probably don't. It would be nice if I didn't. About 90 percent of Jews in the U.S. are Ashkenazi, from West, Central and East European countries. The rest are Sephardic, from Mediterranean and Arab countries. They're more likely to have mothers who belly-dance. We're the ones whose grandmothers spoke Yiddish. Yeah, yeah, I know that your German-Jewish grandmother quoted Goethe and didn't know from Yiddish. I'm speaking in general.

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