Friday, July 20, 2007

Pre-Chemo Party--come colour brandy's hair!

Well, apparently, the three weeks I had before I start chemo aren't three weeks (is that grammatically correct? i can't tell. i mean, "three weeks" is one unit qualitatively speaking, so should it be "isn't" rather than "aren't"...?) anyway, the rest of my tests happen on July 30th and 31st, with an appointment to go over the results on August 1st, and from what the oncologist said, the chemo could start very soon thereafter. So, it's possible that my chemo will begin at the beginning of August.

Henry and I are going to Hawaii on Tuesday through Friday, and then Henry's off to LA for his brother's memorial service. The only time for a pre-chemo party is THIS SUNDAY, JULY 22ND. If you are in the Vancouver area and would like to see me before toxins are flushed into my body, please come to my house this Sunday. It's a cheese / wine potluck--and we will also bleach my hair white and dye it god-knows-what colour! A fun art project for all!!!! 6PM my house. If you don't know where I live, email me! And suggest a colour! I'm leaning toward electric blue, but am open to suggestions!

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