Friday, April 1, 2011

No April Fools - I feel better

After Wednesday's marathon outing with a friend, followed by an evening meeting, I was pretty pooped all day Thursday. I even took a morning nap after walking the dog, and had practically no energy during the day. In the evening I ran one degree of fever, which no doubt contributed to feeling general icky.

Today, however, I woke up feeling alert and refreshed after a good night's sleep (despite the dog barking at 5 AM to be let outside to chase a critter). I had a morning meeting over late breakfast at The Greek, more commonly known as The Continental (reviewed here in today's Seattle Times). After munching on coffee, a lamb patty, scrambled egg and Greek fries, I was ready to face some errands. I LOVE those Greek fries, especially the extra-crispy ones, heavy on the salt and oregano! I came home around 1 PM and needed to lie down but not sleep, so I just closed my eyes and cuddled with Bobka the dogka.

An hour later, I got a second wind and so far have done three loads of laundry, put clean sheets on the bed, baked a pan of Olive Oil and Coconut Brownies, washed all the dishes and updated this blog. Next should be another quick shluf (nap) so that I have the energy to go to dinner at a friend's house.

I think I will save all the ironing for Sunday.....

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