At my request, the Seattle Theatre Group staff placed me behind the desk handing out electronic hearing devices. This kept me from having to touch hundreds of tickets held by other people. Then at the end of the evening, several cast members came out to the lobby to collect donations for Equity Cares/Broadway Fights AIDS. That reminded of when I worked for the NW AIDS Foundation. I reminisced with the cast and house staff about collecting donations for Audiences Fight AIDS, then counting all the dirty dollar bills afterwards. They don't call it filthy lucre for nothing!
All this meant I had no reserves for Sunday, could hardly walk the dog with Rik much less get started on the ironing. I did nothing all day long.
Monday was somewhat better. It felt like I spent the entire day in the car. Well, an entire day for me, which is only about four hours. I took the dog to the groomer; went to the bank, library and Costco; picked up the dog with his new REALLY short haircut; and took Rik home from school. Then I crashed.
Today was also productive. I had an afternoon meeting, then did the rest of the grocery shopping at the local Whole Foods so we could support Seattle Public Theatre, which today received 5% of the store's sales. I did find almost everything on my list except the sumac. I anticipate a trip to Market Spice soon, the only place in Seattle where I can find it in bulk.
Still waiting to hear back from Dr G's office about whether or not I will have chemo next week.
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