Monday, April 25, 2011

Chronic insomnia

This not-sleeping business is for the birds. I get into bed around 11:30 PM and invariably fall asleep around 2:30 AM. How do I know this? It's the last time I look at the clock until 5:30 or 6 when Rik and Bobka the dog get up. Then I wake up again once an hour, every hour, until I give up and get out of bed around 9 AM.

Is it due to chemo? I have no answer for this one, but I haven't had treatment since April 11.

Is it due to tapering off the sertaline (anti-depressant)? I've only got a week more until I am off it completely, so we'll see what happens next week.

Is it due to not enough exercise? Even when I take the dog on a really long walk for 20 blocks, I still have trouble falling asleep at night.

Is it due to napping in the afternoon? Well, this is a no-brainer. But if I don't sleep at night, and I'm tired during the day plus fatigued from chemo, a nap seems inevitable.

Just grousing here -- I don't really want advice. But I am tired of being tired.

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