Friday, April 29, 2011

Chest xray OK

I got the results of yesterday's chest xray and it was negative -- meaning there was nothing to see via xray. So I am good to go for chemo on Monday, as planned.

My shortness of breath continues to be resolving on its own. I went to yoga today for the first time in several weeks and was able to breath very deeply during the relaxation (my favorite part). Still a little short of breath while walking, but I am walking further every day.

Meanwhile I am cooking up a storm for tonight's guests, an English meal in honor of the royal wedding (and because I've always wanted to have trifle).

Challah (we are Jews, after all)
Cream of cauliflower soup with stilton
"Fish and chips": slow-cooked halibut in olive oil with my dad's recipe for roasted potatoes
Minted green peas
Sour cherry trifle

I had to go to three (!) grocery stores to find a pound cake. Silly me; I should have just baked one last night.

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