Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The New York Times gets it right

The New York Times ran this great article about metastatic breast cancer yesterday. In "A Pink-Ribbon Race, Years Long", journalist Roni Caryn Rabin eloquently conveys many of the fears, frustrations and concerns of women living with metastatic disease.
"Since it is metastasis that ultimately kills, some advocates want more resources devoted to its study and treatment. Even though many cancer drugs are initially tested on patients with advanced disease, Danny Welch, an expert on metastasis, says only a few hundred scientists in the world are trying to understand the process.
“It’s responsible for 90 percent of the morbidity and mortality, but gets less than 5 percent of the budget,” said Dr. Welch."
This is a great reason to tell those who count -- your Congressional representatives, Komen, American Cancer Society, etc. -- to increase NIH funding specifically for metastatic breast cancer.

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