Friday, January 14, 2011

And the countdown begins ...

Today has been a good day so far. First, my friend Abigail and I now have our tickets to see NKOTBSB in July. It looks like we'll be a lot closer to the stage this time. All that is left to do is sit around and wait for six months and two days. Six months!! How am I going to pass the time? By posting videos, of course. Here is the video of all of them on New Year's Eve:

As soon as I ordered the tickets, I had to rush out the door for my monthly checkup with Dr. GPO. My hemoglobin is still a little too low, but it has improved a little bit, and my white count has improved a lot. Today it was 3.o, which is still too low, but last month it was 1.3. Yikes! I asked about last month's M-spike rise, and Dr. GPO said he was not the least bit concerned. Then we had a conversation that went like this:

ME: What if my M-spike goes up again?

DR. GPO: It won't.

ME: OK. But what if ...


ME: But ...


Finally, I got him to admit that there might exist some far-off, imaginary, fantasy universe where frogs wear tiny little hats, and maybe, my M-spike might, hypothetically, maybe, perhaps, go up again. In that case, he said I might need to adjust my dose again and/or go back on Dex (which I had been thinking about for the past month, so I was not shocked). However, he said that first we would do everything we possibly could before turning to the Dex as a last resort. In the far-off, imaginary, fantasy universe. So that's good to hear.

OK, stop reading this and watch the video. You know you want to.

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