Saturday, January 8, 2011

Heart Test and Bone Scan

Yesterday was a bit of a long day at the clinic. I got there for an 11 am appointment … my Echo-cardiogram. Basically, the technician spends most of her time doing an ultra sound of my heart, taking pictures and recording this and that. Here and there she would ask me some general questions about my heart history … Have I had any heart problems? Experienced any fluid around my heart? Have I ever been on high bp medication? Experienced any shortness of breath? The appointment was a good 45 minutes.

I thought I’d share this three minute video of an Echo-cardiogram with you.

My next appointment was a bone scan. First order of business was to have the contrast injected into my vein. Two nurses and two attempts later, we found a good vein … success I was starting to light up on the inside. It takes a good hour and 45 for the contrast to circulate through the body so the technician said to come back almost two hours … and oh yes, she said, try and drink lots of coffee or whatever so that you can pee twice before then. Argg I go … I have so much trouble putting down fluids. I said I’d do my best.

Since I only had one tablespoon of oatmeal that morning, I thought I’d go to the cafeteria and picked up a fresh salad with some grilled chicken pieces and a small juice. I could barely finish it before indigestion set in. The best I could do was one pee.

I came back for my bone scan and a half hour later I was all done.

It was 3:30 and I was anxious to call D. I was so ready to go home and put my feet up.

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