dave hauslein
beer manager

Since 1985 October has been celebrated as breast cancer awareness month, often symbolized by pink ribbons and the color pink. It is interesting to note that the awareness month was started by the drug company AstraZeneca (which manufactures several breast cancer drugs) and the pink ribbon originated from cosmetics giant Estée Lauder.
"I really resent big corporations making a profit - while donating only a tiny percentage to breast cancer research - on some disposable item that has been made under questionable environmental conditions by workers who are paid less than a living wage."
Drink you crazy Viking!
dave hauslein
beer manager
"What happened was, a giant 40-foot replica of a human colon came to Miami Beach. Really. It's an educational exhibit called the Colossal Colon, and it was on a nationwide tour to promote awareness of colo-rectal cancer. The idea is, you crawl through the Colossal Colon, and you encounter various educational items in there, such as polyps, cancer and hemorrhoids the size of regulation volleyballs, and you go, ''Whoa, I better find out if I contain any of these things,'' and you get a colonoscopy.
If you are as a professional humor writer, and there is a giant colon within a 200-mile radius, you are legally obligated to go see it. So I went to Miami Beach and crawled through the Colossal Colon. I wrote a column about it, making tasteless colon jokes. But I also urged everyone to get a colonoscopy. I even, when I emerged from the Colossal Colon, signed a pledge stating that I would get one.
But I didn't get one. I was a fraud, a hypocrite, a liar. I was practically a member of Congress."
Low doses of the commonly used diabetes drug metformin may be an effective treatment for breast cancer, primarily because the drug appears to target breast cancer stem cells, Harvard Medical School researchers reported online September 14 in Cancer Research. Cancer stem cells, also called tumor-initiating cells, are thought to be relatively rare cells that can give rise to new tumors and are resistant to standard cancer treatments.
In the study, the combination of metformin and the chemotherapy agent doxorubicin was more effective than either drug alone at eliminating cancer cells and cancer stem cells in cultured cell lines of four genetically distinct breast cancer types, including HER2-positive and triple-negative breast cancers. In a breast cancer mouse model, the drug combination eliminated tumors and prevented regrowth, whereas doxorubicin alone only reduced tumor size and did not prevent regrowth, and metformin alone had little effect.This bulletin is about the publication: Metformin Selectively Targets Cancer Stem Cells, and Acts Together with Chemotherapy to Block Tumor Growth and Prolong Remission by Heather A Hirsch, Dimitrios Iliopoulos, Philip N Tsichlis and Kevin Struhl, Cancer Res 2009(Sep 14) [Epub ahead of print][PubMed Citation].
Should we have washed the dogs before we cleaned the carpets?What if my oncologist ordered a thoracic CT scan so soon after my last abdominal one because they heard something during my last exam (and not just because I hadn't had one in a long time)?Was the other movie The Truth About Cats and Dogs? (I looked it up. His name is Ben Chaplin and it he was the actor in both movies).Was I sent for two CT scans two weeks apart because of poor planning (or poor communicaiton) or is there something ugly growing on my lungs?If the hat is too small, should I give it to someone else or rip it out and start over?
Scientists at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida have found that the lung cancer oncogene PKCiota is necessary for the proliferation of lung cancer stem cells. These stem cells are rare and powerful master cells that manufacture the other cells that make up lung tumors and are resistant to chemotherapy treatment.
Their study, published in the Oct. 1 issue of Cancer Research, also shows that an agent, aurothiomalate, being tested at Mayo Clinic in a phase I clinical trial substantially inhibits growth of these cancer stem cells.The news release is about this publication: Atypical Protein Kinase C{iota} Is Required for Bronchioalveolar Stem Cell Expansion and Lung Tumorigenesis by Roderick P Regala and 5 co-authors, including Alan P Fields, Cancer Res 2009(Sep 8) [Epub ahead of print][PubMed Citation]. The final paragraph of the full text:
Our present results show that aurothiomalate exhibits potent antiproliferative activity toward the tumor stem cell niche in a relevant preclinical lung cancer model. Future studies will be required to assess whether aurothiomalate has similar antiproliferative effects on human lung cancer stem cells isolated from primary human lung tumors.Comment: The publication reports results that were obtained using a mouse model. The News Release states that a Phase I clinical trial is under way at the Mayo Clinic, but this trial isn't mentioned in the full text of the publication in Cancer Research. According to, aurothiomalate is a "gold-containing chemical (salt) used in treating rheumatoid arthritis".
Wine and grape juiceI imagine many Jewish cooks prepared Chicken Marbella this year in memory of Sheila Lukins, the co-author of The Silver Palate Cookbook who died recently.
Round challah with raisins
Apples dipped in honey
Gefilte fish
Chopped (chicken) liver
Fresh tomatoes from K's garden
Chicken Marbella (prepared with dried prunes and olives)
Farro with apples and onions
Sauteed zucchini with pine nuts
Apple cake
Tea with honey
The board of directors of the California stem cell agency Tuesday failed to achieve a quorum and was forced to put off action on regulations tied to its ambitious, $210 million disease team grant round, the largest ever in CIRM history.
That means it will be at least another two weeks or more before the board can act on the IP rules that it needs for disease team project. The grants are scheduled to be awarded later this yearComment: To see previous posts in this blog about the Disease Teams Awards, see posts with the tag "Disease Teams".
“We bring you now a special broadcast of historic significance: The first Jewish religious service broadcast from Germany since the advent of Hitler.”
"Texas doesn't have a drug repository that would take this medicine and pass it on to someone who needs it, and she hates to see it go to waste, as do I.Any ideas, readers?Obviously, we can't break the law and put this stuff on eBay or Craigslist, so I am looking for legal ways to get these expensive drugs to someone who can use them."