Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My other car is a Doom Buggy

We're back! Actually, we've been back for a few days, but I didn't go anywhere near a computer for a full week, and I'm way, way behind on all of my e-mail and blogging. If you sent me an e-mail and I haven't written back, I'm not ignoring you; I'm just overwhelmed by the e-mail flood. Anyway, DISNEY. WAS. GREAT. For the first two days I was there, Jay still had to go to all of his meetings during the day, so I was on my own at the hotel. I had to make some really tough decisions during those two days: Did I want to lie around on a chair by the pool or lie in a hammock on the (fake) beach? Did I want to go get a massage in the morning or in the afternoon? Did I want a strawberry smoothie or a pina colada one?

It was rough.

Then we spent an evening at Epcot and two full days at Disney's Hollywood Studios and the Magic Kingdom. Jay and I now have master theme park skills; through a combination of early arrival, skill, luck, and the Fast Pass system, we got to go on every ride and see every show that we wanted, and we never had to wait in line longer than five or ten minutes. We barely had to wait at all to meet Mickey Mouse. We got to ride the Greatest Ride in the History of the Universe -- that would be The Haunted Mansion -- twice. Without waiting.

While I was searching the web for a Haunted Mansion photo, I found a HM fan web site that sells bumper stickers that say, "My other car is a Doom Buggy." I want one. No, I NEEEEEEED one. (By the way, I think this photo is from the movie, which was lame. I'm still bitter about it. The photo has the same ghosts from the ride, though)

As for WCK, she had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She got to go to the zoo, bake sugar cookies, watch violent cartoons, eat pizza, and skip naps. I'm sure she had an even better time than we did.

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