Friday, March 14, 2008

I worked Out Yesterday.... and it hurt

My first real workout since the transplant 1 year and 1 week ago.

I link to the photographers (William DeShazer) blogsite that took pictures of my workout

I am back, or almost back.... the extremely long road to recovery and the old me continues. I made it into the gym ( Ryan Family YMCA yesterday. My workout was not that long and I did not hit the big boy weights, I just worked on resistance machines to retrain my muscles and get my old form back; I hope to graduate and move on to the weight room in about a month or two. I also was able to jump rope for about a minute and a half (even with bad feet neuropathy) no pain no gain; as Coach Bras. used to say at WSSU "Go hard or Go Home". I realized that I have a mountain to climb to get back to the physical level that I was once at, it is going to take alot of work, simply put I am going to have to pay the price with blood, sweet, and tears.

Note: the ab wheel really hurts your chest after having it cracked/sawed open. I used to be able to do this, I was first introduced to the ab wheel in 1992..... am I that old now that was 16 years ago.

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