Tuesday, March 25, 2008

before i die

As part of an exercise I did last January, I wrote a list of things that I would like to do before I die.

Don't worry, I'm not being morbid nor have a received any bad news of late. It's an exercise that anybody could do, although it does feel more loaded now than it would have before I was diagnosed with cancer.

I re-read my list today and was surprised by it, even though I only wrote it two months ago.

The list contains things I feel I ought to do and things I fantasize about doing, things that are achievable (and that I will do) and things that probably fall under the category of pipe dream.

This is what I wrote, through stream of consciousness and completely uncensored:

Finish my queen-sized bed spread.

Write a novel.

Organize my house.

Travel with my kids.

Go back to school.

Run a marathon.

Participate in flyball or agility with a dog and my older son.

Get the message out re living long and well with metastatic cancer.

See the midnight sun again.

Go to Australia.

Become a soup-making expert.

Get more writing published.

What would be on your list?

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