Monday, October 1, 2007

It could be nothing, or it could be something.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard these words, I'd be at least a quarter richer.

My PET scan showed some hot spots in my colon and bowel area. This could explain my vague symptoms - gastrointestinal grumblings, gassiness, unexplained weight loss, a feeling of fullness. But it could be nothing or it could be something.

Cancer spreads to the colon in 50 to 80% of Mantle Cell Lymphoma cases. When I had a colonoscopy in March, right before the start of Hyper CVAD, you may recall that I came out as clean as a whistle. But with this new turn of events, I'm scheduled for another colonoscopy (GoLytely, here I come) and lower GI biopsy early next week. I'll meet with Dr. Forman to review the results a week from Thursday.

Don't worry. Dr. Forman has a lot of tricks up his sleeve to deal with the worst case scenario. In the meantime, it's more waiting and more wondering.

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