Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On Again, Off Again

I was downright giddy after I received a 6:30 pm message from the City of Hope yesterday. A nurse called to squeeze me in to consult with Dr. Raubitschek about radioimmunotherapy. The two-week treatment using wonder-drug Zevalin has become standard procedure for mantle cell lymphoma patients prior to a stem cell transplant at CoH.

I called right back and left a message saying, "YES. I can make a 2 pm appointment on Wednesday." I whipped out my calendar and started counting the days until my 30 days and 30 nights at Hotel Hope. The way I figured it, I wouldn't be roasting a turkey this Thanksgiving but could be cracking crab for our traditional Christmas dinner.

But my giddiness was short-lived. The nurse called back this morning to say that she had jumped the gun. She found out that Dr. Forman and team had decided NOT to include me in the Zevalin trial. I still don't know what will come next, but tomorrow I hope to find out where I'll be eating my turkey dinner.

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