Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Colonoscopy Update

I'm home from CoH and still a bit out of it, but wanted to leave a brief post. As you can see, my creativity is in full gear - How's "colonoscopy update" for a scintillating title?

The good news is that there were no polyps in my colon. But at the risk of scaring off potential colonoscopy patients, I screamed "Ouch!" during the entire procedure. The first time, three years ago, I was groggy but not asleep and actually saw the doctor zap a small polyp on the screen. Didn't feel a thing. A few months ago, I was completely asleep and don't remember a thing. This time, I was wide awake and felt everything. The nurse kept giving me more Demerol, but that drug seems to have no effect on me (or perhaps it takes too long to work). The doctor said I have a very tiny colon, and from the discomfort that I felt while the camera was passing through, I believe it.

The GI doctor is ordering more tests. He said something about radiology, but by the time I was coherent enough to inquire further, he was gone. I'll have to wait and find out tomorrow what comes next.

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