Ovarian Cancer Debate: "The Past Decade in Ovarian Cancer"
Ovarian cancer survivors, Carolyn Benivegna (U.S.) and Sandi Pniauskas (Canada), announce the first-ever Ovarian Cancer Survivors’ Debate. Both conferences are survivor-led and survivor-organized with the debates and discussions surrounding the multitude of issues - the past and the present. Open and lively dialogue will be encouraged.
Ovarian cancer survivors, Carolyn Benivegna (U.S.) and Sandi Pniauskas (Canada), announce the first-ever Ovarian Cancer Survivors’ Debate. Both conferences are survivor-led and survivor-organized with the debates and discussions surrounding the multitude of issues - the past and the present. Open and lively dialogue will be encouraged.
All cancer survivors/caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, pharmacists, media and the public are encouraged to attend and participate.
All cancer survivors/caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, pharmacists, media and the public are encouraged to attend and participate.
#1: Sheraton Hotel, Novi, MI Sat. Oct 27th, 2007
#2: Metropolitan Hotel, Toronto, ON Sat. Nov 3rd, 2007
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
#1: Sheraton Hotel, Novi, MI Sat. Oct 27th, 2007
#2: Metropolitan Hotel, Toronto, ON Sat. Nov 3rd, 2007
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers. Ovarian cancer has no early detection test.
Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers. Ovarian cancer has no early detection test.
The debate and ensuing open forum public discussions will include the specifics of disease-related issues including genetics, access to care and communications. Debating the issues: Carolyn Benivegna, a nine-year ovarian cancer survivor/BRCA 1 carrier and Sandi Pniauskas, an eight-ovarian cancer survivor/Lynch Syndrome/Hereditary NonPolyposis Colorectal Cancer.
Ovarian cancer survivors Annamarie DeCarlo and Dr. Yi Pan, M.D. PhD, will co-moderate both events. Bridget Capo (R.N.) and Pamela J. West (R.N.) will provide support and collaborate with Benivegna and Pniauskas in formal publication of the event proceedings.
"Our community is very pleased to offer this exciting open public forum without cost to participants and we encourage active dialogue. We value our professional and family caregivers, but have seen the need, over years, for our community of cancer patients to have open discussions on the real issues that affect their lives. Today, and for the future. We need to appreciate the past, so that we may effectively bring attention to the sufferings experienced in our community. Most importantly we need to escalate change." Benivegna/Pniauskas
Registration and public poll:
Further information:
Sandi Pniauskas (905) 668-0767, Sandi Pniauskas
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