Monday, February 21, 2011

Sticker shock

I got my fresh supply of Revlimid delivered to me today. I'm now on 20 mg. The drug company doesn't make a 20 mg pill, so I have to take two 10 mg pills, which means I got 42 pills shipped to me instead of the usual 21. It didn't seem like that big of a deal, until I glanced down at the little slip that came with it and realized that the price for 42 pills is now twice as high.

Fortunately -- very fortunately -- we still only pay a $20 co-pay for the Revlimid, but does anyone want to guess how much the actual price of my bottle of pills is? Anyone?


Eighteen thousand dollars. For a three-week supply of medication.

This means that the little pill bottle sitting on my dresser is officially the most expensive thing that I own. It is worth more than my car. I'm kind of scared to touch the pills, and I certainly don't want to mess them up by, you know, swallowing them or something.

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