Monday, February 7, 2011

Navelbine #4

I had my fourth dose of Navelbine today (the second dose in the second round). My friend R visited the whole time and because things took a bit longer, we had a lovely catch-up with each other.

I felt fine enough afterwards to go to the grocery store, come home and start a pot of lentil soup before I crashed and took a nap.

Dr G wants me to get Neulasta tomorrow since my white blood cell counts and hematocit were a bit down. That will mean four trips to Capitol Hill this week, three of them for cancer-related reasons. Thankfully this chemo has so far been remarkably tolerable, with minimal side effects, and allows me to drive and generally live a normal life. The jury is out on how effective it will be but I am still hopeful that it will kick some serious cancer butt. I get my next tumor marker drawn next week.

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