Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spankin' accomplished.

Let's review: Last month, my M-spike decided to get a little crazy, and Dr. GPO called me and said the myeloma just needed to be spanked a little bit harder. He gave me the option of upping my Revlimid dose or starting dex. I chose to up my dose of Revlimid to 20 mg to see what would happen.

The results are in, and the M-spike has been spanked. I repeat, the M-spike has been spanked. It went from 3.3 to 2.7.

HAHAHA, M-spike!! You like that?? Do not mess with me, M-spike! I will spank you hard! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

The bad news is that Bon Jovi gets to put a shirt back on:

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