Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yesterday's Oprah show focused on veganism. I found it fascinating that so many of her employees were willing to try a vegan diet for a week (no meat, poultry, fish, dairy or eggs). Although watching the section on Cargill Meat Solutions made me squirm in its depiction of animals headed to slaughter and processing into the packaged meat we buy in stores, the comment from the Cargill general manager, about treating the animals with dignity at every stage, was very thought-provoking. I don't know how the kosher slaughterhouses stack up next to the Cargill model, but I hope better than others.

I try to eat with intention, and enjoy a diet of mostly whole foods, since I like to cook from scratch. The only packages I tend buy are flour, sugar, cereal, pasta, and bread (there very few boxes in my pantry), and I do buy whole grain products. But I enjoy eating meat, poultry, dairy, eggs and fish. Author Michael Pollan's comment on the show, that we should eat with intention and a care for where our meat etc. is sourced, resonated with me. For some time now I have been buying only cage-free eggs and organic milk.

If more Americans could be persuaded to eat a whole foods diet, I believe we would have a great impact on the way meat is processed in our country and be healthier as a people.

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