Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vegan cupcakes take over the world

What do you do when it's your turn to bring snack and you ate the last egg for breakfast?

Bake vegan cupcakes!

A few months ago I borrowed Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World from the library and got inspired. After all, these are the perfect treats for the kosher home: parve (i.e. made without any dairy or meat) and so can be served after either spinach-cheese quiche OR roasted chicken.

Since I had long ago returned the cookbook to the library, I used the Dairy-Free Chocolate Cake (Vegan) recipe from the 1997 Joy of Cooking (p. 932), poured the batter into cupcake liners and baked them for 20 minutes.

I then frosted the cupcakes with Joy's Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting (p. 1004), melting some cinnamon chips with the chocolate. I sprinkled the tops with chocolate nibs and extra cinnamon chips.

PS They were a big hit!

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